birl.benchmark module

General benchmark template for all registration methods. It also serves for evaluating the input registration pairs (while no registration is performed, there is only the initial deformation)

Sample run (usage):

mkdir ./results
python benchmarks/         -t data-images/pairs-imgs-lnds_histol.csv -d ./data-images         -o ./results --unique

Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Jiri Borovec <>

class birl.benchmark.ImRegBenchmark(params)[source]

Bases: birl.utilities.experiments.Experiment

General benchmark class for all registration methods. It also serves for evaluating the input registration pairs.


params (dict) – dictionary with experiment configuration, the required options are names in REQUIRED_PARAMS, note that the basic parameters are inherited

The benchmark has following steps:

  1. check all necessary paths and required parameters

  2. load cover file and set all paths as absolute

  3. run individual registration experiment in sequence or in parallel

    (nb_workers > 1); if the particular experiment folder exist (assume completed experiment) and skip it:

    1. create experiment folder and init experiment

    2. generate execution command

    3. run the command (an option to lock it in single thread)

    4. evaluate experiment, set the expected outputs and visualisation

    5. clean all extra files if any

  4. visualise results abd evaluate registration results


The actual implementation simulates the “IDEAL” registration while it blindly copies the reference landmarks as results of the registration. In contrast to the right registration, it copies the moving images so there is alignment (consistent warping) between resulting landmarks and image.


>>> # Running in single thread:
>>> from birl.utilities.data_io import create_folder, update_path
>>> path_out = create_folder('temp_results')
>>> path_csv = os.path.join(update_path('data-images'), 'pairs-imgs-lnds_mix.csv')
>>> params = {'path_table': path_csv,
...           'path_out': path_out,
...           'nb_workers': 1,
...           'unique': False,
...           'visual': True}
>>> benchmark = ImRegBenchmark(params)
>>> shutil.rmtree(path_out, ignore_errors=True)
>>> # Running in multiple parallel threads:
>>> from birl.utilities.data_io import create_folder, update_path
>>> path_out = create_folder('temp_results')
>>> path_csv = os.path.join(update_path('data-images'), 'pairs-imgs-lnds_mix.csv')
>>> params = {'path_table': path_csv,
...           'path_out': path_out,
...           'nb_workers': 2,
...           'unique': False,
...           'visual': True}
>>> benchmark = ImRegBenchmark(params)
>>> shutil.rmtree(path_out, ignore_errors=True)

initialise benchmark


params (dict) – parameters

__check_exist_regist(idx, path_dir_reg)[source]

check whether the particular experiment already exists and have results

if the folder with experiment already exist and it is also part of the loaded finished experiments, sometimes the oder may mean failed experiment

  • idx (int) – index of particular

  • path_dir_reg (str) –

Return bool

__execute_method(method, input_table, path_csv=None, desc='', aggr_experiments=False, nb_workers=None)[source]

execute a method in sequence or parallel

  • method (func) – used method

  • input_table (DF) – iterate over table

  • path_csv (str) – path to the output temporal csv

  • desc (str) – name of the running process

  • aggr_experiments (bool) – append output to experiment DF

  • nb_workers (int|None) – number of jobs, by default using class setting



export the DataFrame with registration results


| None path_csv (str) – path to output CSV file


create some pre-process images, convert to gray scale and histogram matching


item (dict) – the input record

Return dict

updated item with optionally added pre-process images


remove preprocess (temporary) image if they are not also final


item (dict) – the input record

Return dict

updated item with optionally removed temp images

_absolute_path(path, destination='data', base_path='')[source]

update te path to the dataset or output

  • path (str) – original path

  • destination (str) – type of update data for data source and expt for output experimental folder

  • destination – type of update

Return str

updated path

classmethod _clear_after_registration(item)[source]

clean unnecessarily files after the registration


item (dict) – dictionary with regist. information

Return dict

the same or updated regist. info


copy particular configuration to the experiment folder


field_path (str) – field from parameters containing a path to file


evaluate complete benchmark experiment


execute the image registration itself


item (dict) – record

Return dict



if needed update the execution time


item (dict) – dictionary {str: value} with registration params

Return float|None

time in minutes

classmethod _extract_warped_image_landmarks(item)[source]

get registration results - warped registered images and landmarks


item (dict) – dictionary with registration params

Return dict

paths to warped images/landmarks


generate the registration command(s)


item (dict) – dictionary with registration params

Return str|list(str)

the execution commands

_get_paths(item, prefer_pproc=True)[source]

expand the relative paths to absolute, if TEMP path is used, take it

  • item (dict) – row from cover file with relative paths

  • prefer_pproc (bool) – prefer using preprocess images

Return tuple(str,str,str,str)

path to reference and moving image and reference and moving landmarks

classmethod _image_diag(item, path_img_ref=None)[source]
get the image diagonal from several sources
  1. diagonal exists in the table

  2. image size exist in the table

  3. reference image exists

  • item (dict|DF) – one row from the table

  • path_img_ref (str) – optional path to the reference image

Return float|None

image diagonal


loading data, the cover file with all registration pairs

classmethod _load_landmarks(item, path_dataset)[source]
classmethod _load_warped_image(item, path_experiment=None)[source]

load the wapted image if it exists

  • item (dict) – row with the experiment

  • path_experiment (str|None) – path to the experiment folder

Return ndarray


evaluate rests of the experiment and identity the registered image and landmarks when the process finished


item (dict) – dictionary {str: value} with registration params

Return dict


run single registration experiment with all sub-stages


df_row (tuple(int,dict)) – row from iterated table

classmethod _prepare_img_registration(item)[source]

prepare the experiment folder if it is required, eq. copy some extra files


item (dict) – dictionary with regist. params

Return dict

the same or updated registration info

_relativize_path(path, destination='path_exp')[source]

extract relative path according given parameter

  • path (str) – the original path to file/folder

  • destination (str) – use path from parameters

Return str

relative or the original path


perform complete benchmark experiment


summarise benchmark experiment

classmethod _visual_image_move_warp_lnds_move_warp(item, path_dataset=None, path_experiment=None)[source]

visualise the case with warped moving image and landmarks to the reference frame so they are simple to overlap

  • item (dict) – row with the experiment

  • path_dataset (str|None) – path to the dataset folder

  • path_experiment (str|None) – path to the experiment folder

Return obj|None

classmethod _visual_image_move_warp_lnds_ref_warp(item, path_dataset=None, path_experiment=None)[source]

visualise the case with warped reference landmarks to the move frame

  • item (dict) – row with the experiment

  • path_dataset (str|None) – path to the dataset folder

  • path_experiment (str|None) – path to the experiment folder

Return obj|None

classmethod compute_registration_accuracy(df_experiments, idx, points1, points2, state='', img_diag=None, wo_affine=False)[source]

compute statistic on two points sets

IRE - Initial Registration Error TRE - Target Registration Error

  • df_experiments (DF) – DataFrame with experiments

  • idx (int) – index of tha particular record

  • points1 (ndarray) – np.array<nb_points, dim>

  • points2 (ndarray) – np.array<nb_points, dim>

  • state (str) – whether it was before of after registration

  • img_diag (float) – target image diagonal

  • wo_affine (bool) – without affine transform, assume only local/elastic deformation

classmethod compute_registration_statistic(idx_row, df_experiments, path_dataset=None, path_experiment=None, path_reference=None)[source]

after successful registration load initial nad estimated landmarks afterwords compute various statistic for init, and final alignment

  • df_row (tuple(int,dict)) – row from iterated table

  • df_experiments (DF) – DataFrame with experiments

  • path_dataset (str|None) – path to the provided dataset folder

  • path_reference (str|None) – path to the complete landmark collection folder

  • path_experiment (str|None) – path to the experiment folder

static extend_parse(arg_parser)[source]
classmethod main(params=None)[source]

run the Main of selected experiment

  • cls – class of selected benchmark

  • params (dict) – set of input parameters

classmethod visualise_registration(idx_row, path_dataset=None, path_experiment=None)[source]

visualise the registration results according what landmarks were estimated - in registration or moving frame

  • df_row (tuple(int,dict)) – row from iterated table

  • path_dataset (str) – path to the dataset folder

  • path_experiment (str) – path to the experiment folder

COL_IMAGE_DIAGONAL = 'Image diagonal [pixels]'[source]

image diagonal in pixels


extension to the image column name for temporary pre-process image

COL_IMAGE_MOVE = 'Source image'[source]

moving (registration source) image

COL_IMAGE_MOVE_WARP = 'Warped source image'[source]

moving image warped to the reference frame

COL_IMAGE_REF = 'Target image'[source]

reference (registration target) image

COL_IMAGE_REF_WARP = 'Warped target image'[source]

reference image warped to the moving frame

COL_IMAGE_SIZE = 'Image size [pixels]'[source]

tuple of image size

COL_NB_LANDMARKS_INPUT = 'nb. dataset landmarks'[source]

number of landmarks in dataset (min of moving and reference)

COL_NB_LANDMARKS_WARP = 'nb. warped landmarks'[source]

number of warped landmarks

COL_POINTS_MOVE = 'Source landmarks'[source]

moving (registration source) landmarks

COL_POINTS_MOVE_WARP = 'Warped source landmarks'[source]

moving landmarks warped to the reference frame

COL_POINTS_REF = 'Target landmarks'[source]

reference (registration target) landmarks

COL_POINTS_REF_WARP = 'Warped target landmarks'[source]

reference landmarks warped to the moving frame

COL_REG_DIR = 'Registration folder'[source]

registration folder for each particular experiment

COL_ROBUSTNESS = 'Robustness'[source]

define robustness as improved image alignment from initial state

COL_STATUS = 'status'[source]

define train / test status

COL_TIME = 'Execution time [minutes]'[source]

measured time of image registration in minutes

COL_TIME_PREPROC = 'Pre-processing time [minutes]'[source]

measured time of image pre-processing in minutes

COVER_COLUMNS = ('Target image', 'Source image', 'Target landmarks', 'Source landmarks')[source]
COVER_COLUMNS_EXT = ('Target image', 'Source image', 'Target landmarks', 'Source landmarks', 'Image size [pixels]', 'Image diagonal [pixels]')[source]
COVER_COLUMNS_WRAP = ('Target image', 'Source image', 'Target landmarks', 'Source landmarks', 'Warped target image', 'Warped source image', 'Warped target landmarks', 'Warped source landmarks')[source]
EXECUTE_TIMEOUT = 3600[source]

does not work for Py2


timeout for executing single image registration, NOTE

NAME_CSV_REGISTRATION_PAIRS = 'registration-results.csv'[source]

some needed files

NAME_IMAGE_MOVE_WARP_POINTS = 'image_warped_landmarks_warped.jpg'[source]

output image name in experiment folder for reg. results - image and landmarks are warped

NAME_IMAGE_REF_POINTS_WARP = 'image_ref_landmarks_warped.jpg'[source]

output image name in experiment folder for reg. results - warped landmarks in reference image

NAME_IMAGE_REF_WARP = 'image_refence-warped.jpg'[source]

output image name in experiment folder for reg. results - overlap of reference and warped image

NAME_IMAGE_WARPED_VISUAL = 'registration_visual_landmarks.jpg'[source]

output image name in experiment folder for showing improved alignment by used registration

NAME_LOG_REGISTRATION = 'registration.log'[source]

logging file for registration experiments

NAME_RESULTS_CSV = 'results-summary.csv'[source]

default file for exporting results in table format

NAME_RESULTS_TXT = 'results-summary.txt'[source]

default file for exporting results in formatted text format

NB_WORKERS_USED = 1[source]

default number of threads used by benchmarks

REQUIRED_PARAMS = ['path_out', 'path_table'][source]

required experiment parameters


Drop columns was index without name and was loaded as Unnamed: 0.

birl.benchmark.export_summary_results(df_experiments, path_out, params=None, name_txt='results-summary.txt', name_csv='results-summary.csv')[source]

export the summary as CSV and TXT

  • df_experiments (DF) – DataFrame with experiments

  • path_out (str) – path to the output folder

  • params (dict|None) – experiment parameters

  • name_csv (str) – results file name

  • name_txt (str) – results file name

>>> export_summary_results(pd.DataFrame(), '')
birl.benchmark.filter_paired_landmarks(item, path_dataset, path_reference, col_source, col_target)[source]

filter all relevant landmarks which were used and copy them to experiment

The case is that in certain challenge stage users had provided just a subset

of all image landmarks which could be laos shuffled. The idea is to filter identify all user used (provided in dataset) landmarks and filter them from temporary reference dataset.

  • item (dict|Series) – experiment DataFrame

  • path_dataset (str) – path to provided landmarks

  • path_reference (str) – path to the complete landmark collection

  • col_source (str) – column name of landmarks to be transformed

  • col_target (str) – column name of landmarks to be compared

Return tuple(float,ndarray,ndarray)

match ratio, filtered ref and move landmarks

>>> p_data = update_path('data-images')
>>> p_csv = os.path.join(p_data, 'pairs-imgs-lnds_histol.csv')
>>> df = pd.read_csv(p_csv)
>>> ratio, lnds_ref, lnds_move = filter_paired_landmarks(dict(df.iloc[0]), p_data, p_data,
...     ImRegBenchmark.COL_POINTS_MOVE, ImRegBenchmark.COL_POINTS_REF)
>>> ratio
>>> lnds_ref.shape == lnds_move.shape
birl.benchmark.COL_PAIRED_LANDMARKS = 'Ration matched landmarks'[source]

In case provided dataset and complete (true) dataset differ